Tennessee Mountain Laurel Festival
This list is a tentative list of those who have signed up as vendors. Please note that we expect more to be added and it is possible that some may drop off. This is a lot of info for your smart phones so please note that items might be out of order that you might read better on a computer. Please check back from time to time as the list will be updated. 4/23/24
Vendor Paparazzi Jewelry BSF Amateur Ham Radio Club
Vendor Chainsaw Carvings Carvings by Rich
Vendor Cool hats and More Cool Hats and More
Vendor Wood Signs, Crafts Crafty Marcums Vendor Crochet blankets, home items Creative Crochet by Tee
Vendor Handmade Macrame Dean & Co - Macrame and More
Vendor Towels, Baby items Granny Gifts & Crafts
Vendor Wildlife photography Holly Nelson Photography
Vendor Wall and lawn creations JBS Woodcrafting
Vendor Hats, pins, purses, keychains Live 2 Love Treasures
Vendor Handmade Crochet wearables Momma's Craft Closetnter
Vendor Honey & Beeswax products None of Your Beeswax
Vendor Freshies, Shirts, etc Raelynns Rarities
Vendor Windows Renewal by Anderson
Vendor Wildlife nature photography Rick McCulley Photography
Vendor Handmade Jewelry, birdhouses Rock-N-Wood
Vendor Clothing Sadie Grey Boutique
Vendor Crochet plushes and other gifts Sea Witch Fiber Art
Food Craft Sodas, Soda BarSippin Gypsy Cantina LLC
Demonstrator Dog training. Sit Means SitSit Means Sit Dog Training
Vendor Stained glass, cutting boards, etc SolaFide Glass & Woodworking
Food Steak sandwiches Cattlemens Association
Vendor Colored Pencil Art Studio Art by Debbie
Food Allergy friendly bakery & farm to table Treats & Chill
Vendor Food preparation storage Tupperware
Vendor Plants Whaley Nursery
Vendor Wood and Fiber Art Wink's Wood Works
Vendor/DemonstratorFresh Cut Flowers - Fork and Tiller Farm www.forkandtillerfarm.com
Vendor Carnival Food With Playground Funnel Cake
Vendor Baked Good, candy, soda Lona's Loven Oven Facebook: Lona's Loven Oven
Vendor Photography, Canvas Prints Rhonda Jones Photography Instagram: rhondajonesphotography
Vendor Jewelry Simply Chic Permanent Jewelry Facebook: simplychicbykimberly
Vendor Freeze Dried candy, pork rinds Tasty Treats - Freeze Dried facebook: tastytreats freeze dried
Vendor Wax melts and candles The Bees Knees Waxes Facebook:thebeeskneeswaxes
Vendor Tee's, Tumblers, wrath The Painted Turtle www.paintedturtlecustoms.com
Vendor Organic skincare Tomboy Organic Skincare Co tomboyskincare.com
Vendor Woodburning, small boxes, barns Vennie's Tunn
NonProfit VBS Registration First Baptist
NonProfit Nature Friends of Frozen Head
NonProfit Information on Head Start Morgan County Head Start
NonProfit Wilderness Planning Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness
Political Candidate Robin Nance for Property Assessor
Political Giveaways, pins, flags, face paintingMorgan County Democratic Partyhttps://www.facebook.com/MorganDemsAL
Giveaway Give away items Morgan County Medical Ce
Giveaway Information Casa of the Tn Valley
Giveaway Giveaways/help with petting zoo/sponsor Cob Vantress
Giveaway Giveaways Servpro of Cumberland, Morgan & White Counties
Giveaway Medical Summit